The VINEBOX™ project, promoted by Bodega Matarromera, Pago de Carraovejas and Ence, with the collaboration of Papelera de Brandia, to sustainably valorize vine pruning waste, has reached a new milestone: the consortium has successfully managed to develop a reel of paper with very special characteristics.
It is an innovative paper reel, made with special Naturcell® quality cellulose, as it contains fiber obtained from vine pruning shoots. This coil has been manufactured in P.Brandia according to the most demanding quality criteria to manufacture labels and boxes for bottles, which will be tested by the wineries. This milestone represents progress in terms of efficiency and sustainability, and highlights the potential of biomass as a renewable and responsible source for the production of bioproducts.
This achievement represents a fundamental step towards the ultimate goal of the VINEBOX™ project: the production of sustainable and 100% renewable boxes and labels for participating wineries. The use of cellulose made from vine pruning waste with Ence’s Naturcell® pulp reflects the consortium’s commitment to sustainability, the circular economy and excellence in quality.
In the presentation of this new milestone, Antonio Casal, Ence’s Pulp Business Development Director, highlighted the importance of Ence’s commitment to R&D and the relevance that sustainability must have in the search for solutions. innovative, involving pioneering wineries in this area. “This new step in the project demonstrates Ence’s firm commitment to promoting the transition towards a circular bioeconomy.” “This coil is the symbol that we continue to move forward and work to offer sustainable solutions, taking advantage of natural resources and adding value to them.” Likewise, Casal has highlighted the help and collaboration of Brandia, which has at all times offered its technology and experience to contribute to the successful completion of this innovative project.
For his part, Gaspar Barreras, General Director of P. Brandia, was grateful for the opportunity to be part of this project, which can contribute to revalorizing agricultural waste. An initiative that also highlights how Ence and P. Brandia, through their technology, can contribute innovation and value to a project as creative and cutting-edge as this one.
Carlos Moro, president of Bodegas Familiares Matarromera, highlighted that: “For 22 years we have been developing new products, ingredients and brands such as Sanclodio, Viña Caeira or Casar de Vide in Galicia. From here comes the idea of reusing pruning waste, giving it a second life and thus giving back to nature what it gives us, reducing the harmful effects of burning. For this there has been a complete logistical plan for collection, storage, chipping and recovery and that fits into what I personally call spherical economy, integrating perfectly into the sustainability plan of our wineries.”
“Sustainability at Alma is a work culture, a value that permeates all decisions and processes, becoming part of our philosophy. We have acquired the commitment to protect and safeguard our environment, implementing measures that will be reflected in the future. We seek to achieve sustainable development throughout the value chain and we focus our efforts on promoting a circular economy that generates alternatives to the waste that originates throughout the process,” says Pedro Ruiz, CEO of Alma Carraovejas.
For her part, Eva Navascués, director of R&D&i at Pago de Carraovejas, maintains that: “It has been an achievement to be able to create the first reel of paper from the shoots of our farm. The process has been complex on the technical side but we have finally obtained the paper with which to create boxes and labels. Now, we have to demonstrate that the collection of shoots and processing for their recovery is economically sustainable so that it becomes a solution that prevents the burning of this waste generated by the wine sector and that results in environmental protection.”
The project, co-financed by the European Union and the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) with FEDER funds, has a budget of €879,539.00 and an execution time of 30 months. In addition, the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), the Technological Institute of Packaging, Transport and Logistics (Itene), and the company Athisa, which provides solutions for the packaging service, participate as entities subcontracted by the companies. collection and storage of shoot prunings.