This is the third consecutive year that the Andalusian plants of Ence´s renewable energy subsidiary, Magnon Green Energy, have renewed the Sure certificate, which certifies the sustainability of all the biomass consumed by its facilities.
The company’s commitment to promoting renewable energies in Andalusia is firm: in Huelva, it has the most important and leading biomass power generation complex in Spain. In Cordoba, it has its Lucena plant, which uses olive prunings and orujillo as fuel, and in Villanueva del Arzobispo (Jaén), it has its La Loma plant, which also uses the remains of olive groves in Jaén to produce renewable energy.
All of Magnon’s Andalusian facilities renewed the Sure certification, a European regulation in charge of setting the official criteria that all biomasses used in the field of bioenergy must meet, and of ensuring compliance with the requirements dictated by the Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (REDII), developed in Spain in the Royal Decree of transposition 376/2022, of 17 May.
These European requirements refer to sustainability criteria, correct mass balance, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency, requirements that all Magnon biomass plants in Andalusia successfully meet every year.
Sustainability is a top priority for the company and one of the main foundations on which its management systems and operational processes are based. Moreover, this strong commitment to sustainability gives it the opportunity to position itself at the forefront of the world of renewable energy sources.
In the Andalusian region, Ence Group’s subsidiary acts as a backbone that boosts the region’s economy and society, as it not only brings cutting-edge technologies to rural areas, but also fosters job creation. According to the Association of Renewable Energy Companies (APPA), Magnon’s five plants in the region generate 4,500 indirect, direct and induced jobs in the surrounding area.