Sustainable Biomass Management
At Ence we are pioneers in the sustainable use of biomass as a renewable energy source. We manage forest areas to supply pulp production and energy generation processes in accordance with the most demanding and internationally recognised sustainability and corporate responsibility criteria.
In addition, we have developed specific know-how to ensure sustainability in the supply of agricultural biomass to the power plants of Magnon Green Energy, our renewable energy subsidiary. This includes procedures and policies that are highly respectful of the environment, priority uses of biomass and good agricultural practices.
Magnon Biomass has implemented a chain of custody management system in compliance with the principles and requirements of the PEFC ST 2002:2020 Chain of Custody Standard.
We are at the forefront of new regulations
However, and not content with anticipating the future of sustainability in the management of this renewable energy source, we wanted to adapt in a pioneering way to the requirements of the New Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (REDII) on renewable energies, initiating the certification process for all biomass consumed at our facilities.
Ence uses biomass of peninsular origin (from Spain and Portugal), which can range from vine shoots, vine pruning waste, orujillo and olive leaf and pruning waste, cotton bush waste, forestry waste, corn straw waste and gardening waste.
The Directive establishes different compliance criteria for biomass:
- Sustainability requirements.
- Mass Balance requirements.
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements.
- Energy efficiency requirements.
In order to comply with the requirements established in REDII, Ence is committed to certification under the SURE system (
SURE Certification
Certification requirements
As the first collection point for agricultural and forestry biomass and the first collection point for waste and residues, ENCE enables the possibility of group certification, under the scope of its own certificate, for those biomass producers who voluntarily wish to adhere to it. In these cases, ENCE acts as the group management entity in accordance with the Sure system.
Producers who voluntarily wish to join ENCE’s group certification state this in writing and formalise it by signing a self-declaration attached to the contract signed with Ence. Once the contract has been formalised, the biomass from the sources indicated in the contract can be considered by Ence as sustainable for the purposes of REDII and the Sure system.
Group certification under the Sure system is applicable exclusively to the following figures:
- Growers of standing purchases (including cargaderos of standing purchases).
- Forest owners of standing purchases (including standing purchase carloaders).
- Industrial activities or facilities that generate residues or waste that are supplied to Ence as biomass.
Rights of the group certification registrant
- Receive information from the group about the certification process,
- To obtain, for the areas included in the certification process, an individual accreditation document from the certification body or from Ence,
- To voluntarily leave the group whenever they wish to do so, after notifying the Ence manager in writing.
Obligations of the member of the certification group
- To formally join the group by signing the self-declaration attached to the contract. The self-declaration shall be updated at least annually.
- Commit to meet and comply with the requirements of the sure system.
- Participate in the sample of internal inspections.
- Participate in the sample of external inspections carried out by the certification body.
- Implement, within the agreed deadlines, the corrective actions required by both the group manager and the certification body.
Criteria for non-admission/voluntary dismissal/expulsion from the group
Ence reserves the right not to admit an applicant to the group for justified reasons, e.g. (non-exhaustive):
- Evidence of non-compliance by the applicant with any of the sustainability requirements established by REDII or the Sure system.
- There is evidence of non-compliance by the applicant that has not been corrected, e.g. evidence of non-compliance detected in audits or inspections carried out.
- The applicant is unwilling to comply with any of the obligations described in this procedure.
Voluntary resignation
In the event that a seconded member wishes to voluntarily leave the group before the end of the contract period, he/she shall notify in writing the standing supply or purchasing manager. The date of leaving the group shall become effective on the day on which the member sends the notification to Ence.
Ence reserves the right to expel from the group any of the members who do not meet the requirements as well as any of the corrective actions established by the group manager or the certification body.
Good practices
Good agricultural practices
- Preserve or improve soil structure.
- Avoid, as far as possible, soil compaction, especially taking into account soil type, soil moisture and soil pressure caused by the equipment used for agriculture.
- Prevent, as far as possible, soil erosion, through use adapted to the site, in particular taking into account slope, water and wind conditions and soil cover.
- Maintain the natural structural elements of fields, especially hedgerows, trees growing in the middle of fields, field margins and field terraces, which are necessary to protect the soil.
- Preserve or maintain the biological activity of the soil through appropriate crop rotation.
- Preserve the humus content of the soil, in particular by a sufficient supply of organic matter or by reducing the intensity of tillage.
- Adapt soil tillage to the site, taking into account climatic conditions.
- Handle and use chemicals responsibly.
- Use sludge as fertiliser only in permitted cases (administrative permission).
- Carry out integrated pest management.
- Protect water resources, both surface and groundwater.
- Use water responsibly.
Good forestry practices
- Do not damage the soil with the machinery in use.
- Conserve soil nutrients, organic matter and soil structure.
- Do not use fertilisation to increase yields.
- Use phytosanitary products only as a last resort.
- Protect groundwater resources.
- Manage existing water resources in a sustainable manner.
Sure Certificates of Ence's Biofactories and Independent Energy Plants
Ence Pontevedra Sure Certificate
Ence Navia Sure Certificate
Ence Terra Sure Certificate
Magnon Green Energy Sure Certified
Mérida Sure Certificate
Puertollano Sure Certificate
Enemansa Sure Certificate
La Loma Sure Certificate
Lucena (Bioenergía Santamaría, S.A.) Sure Certificate
Magnon Servicios Energéticos Sure Certificate
Magnon Biomasa Sure Certified
Ence Energía Huelva, S.L.U Sure Certified
Ence Energía Huelva Dos, S.L.U Sure Certified
Celulosa Energía, S.A.U Sure Certified