Magnon Green Energy makes first sale of Guarantees of Origin with hourly certification

Magnon Green Energy, the Ence Group’s biomass electricity generation subsidiary, has made the first sale of Guarantees of Origin with hourly certification. This innovative system allows the consumer to guarantee that the energy consumed in each hour comes from renewable sources: in this case, renewable electricity generated from biomass.

The National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), through the Guarantees of Origin system, accredits the renewable origin of electricity in time periods of one month, without distinguishing between the hour and the day.

However, this monthly balance does not allow consumers to guarantee that their real electricity consumption, hour by hour, is associated with renewable sources. On the contrary, there is a risk that, in some hours, there will be more renewable production than actually allocated, while in others the consumer will be supplied by fossil technologies.

The only way to ensure that this does not happen is with an hourly certification, such as the one developed by Magnon. Thus, with these new certifications, the company goes a step further, as it adds an hourly mark to the guarantees of origin issued by the CNMC. A milestone for which the company has benefited from the certification and collaboration of AENOR.

These hourly certifications, therefore, are not parallel to nor do they replace the certification of renewable origin issued by the CNMC. It is an informative plus and a step forward in traceability, with the aim of assuring end consumers who use the energy produced by Magnon that it originates, hour by hour, from a 100% renewable source.

These energy sources are characterised by their maximum respect for the environment, avoiding CO2 emissions and other polluting gases, complying hourly with the aspects of the Renewable Origin Certification issued by the CNMC.

Magnon’s new guarantees of origin with hourly certification are aimed primarily at large energy consumers who aspire to be leaders in the sustainability of their operations. They ultimately bring transparency to consumers and promote manageable renewable technologies, such as biomass generation.

Biomass power generation is a manageable renewable technology and therefore capable of contributing to security of supply and system stability. It also contributes to the structuring of the rural world, thanks to the creation of employment and the retention of talent in these areas. According to data from the Association of Renewable Energy Companies (APPA), this technology generates 25 direct, indirect and induced jobs for each megawatt installed.

The generation of energy with biomass is, in itself, a paradigm of the circular economy: it recovers and valorises agroforestry waste and gives it a new function: to decarbonise society. Furthermore, this use of biomass avoids its mismanagement in the fields, which can lead to its uncontrolled burning due to abandonment in natural areas.

Other benefits of this technology are the role it plays in the prevention of pests and, especially, in reducing the risk of forest fires, which is up to 70%. This is due to the sustainable use of plant remains, which are removed and managed, thus avoiding their accumulation.