Magnon Green Energy celebrates World Energy Saving Day with an educational day for young people from Huelva

  • The company, a leader in the generation of renewable energy from biomass, is organising an educational event with more than 150 secondary school students to raise social awareness of responsible energy consumption and the circular economy.

In the framework of World Energy Saving Day, Magnon Green Energy reinforces its commitment to sustainable development and the circular economy with the event ‘Actions for the Planet’, an initiative led by more than 150 young people from high schools in Huelva who have come up with slogans to encourage behaviour that promotes greater social awareness on the efficient use and consumption of energy.

The event was held at the Muelle de San Juan del Puerto, in the natural environment of the Salinas del Tinto, very close to the Huelva energy complex. Magnon has counted on the collaboration of the San Juan Town Council and students of the intermediate level of Technician in Natural Environment and Leisure Guide of the town, who have been in charge of monitoring the groups of schoolchildren. The groups of more than 150 students participated in workshops and group dynamics aimed at acquiring healthy habits for the planet and learning about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global challenges defined by the United Nations that Magnon integrates into its daily operations.

Representatives of important institutions in Huelva, such as the delegate of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Industry, Energy and Mines of the Andalusian Regional Government in Huelva, Lucía Núñez, or the vice-president of the Provincial Council, Manuel Cayuela, have come to recognise with their presence and participation the importance of promoting actions for the planet that integrate the efforts of the people of Huelva.

The event, which was closed by the mayoress of San Juan, Rocío Cárdenas, and Magnon’s managers, ended with a resounding round of applause in recognition of the creativity and commitment of the groups of young people, calling on society as a whole to take action for the planet.

Aware that World Energy Saving Day emerged in 2012 to raise awareness not only among companies and institutions, but also among all citizens, Magnon wanted to point out with this event the importance of individual participation in global challenges, and to bring the commitment to energy saving also to homes, with behaviours such as those proposed by the student groups in their slogans.

Commitment to sustainability and rural development

Since its beginnings, Magnon Green Energy has been committed to a strategy that combines the generation of renewable energy with the revitalisation of the rural environment in the areas where it operates, creating employment and boosting local economies, thus contributing to slowing down the phenomenon of depopulation.

The company is committed to the development of biomass energy because, in addition to the social and environmental benefits it brings, it is a renewable energy source without climatic dependencies that provides valuable stability and management capacity to the electricity system that supplies the whole of society.

Magnon Green Energy: a pioneer in renewable energy and circular economy

Magnon Green Energy operates three biomass plants in Huelva with a total installed capacity of 137 MW, capable of generating renewable electricity to supply more than 600,000 people using agricultural and forestry waste.

With this initiative, Magnon Green Energy reaffirms its commitment to social awareness and environmental protection, demonstrating that the energy transition towards a more sustainable future requires the collaboration of all sectors of society.

Magnon Green Energy celebrates World Energy Savings Day