On 6 March 2023, the convertible bond issue issued in March 2018 for an amount of €160m was fully amortized.

On 9 October 2023, Ence filed a Sustainable Commercial Paper Program in the Spanish Alternative Fixed Income Market (MARF) with a maximum limit of €200m and a maturity limit of up to 24 months, with the aim of diversifying its sources of financing. The information brochure of the program is available in the 2023 documents section below.

This program is linked to ESG criteria and has specific sustainability goals and indicators which have been subject to an independent second-party opinion granted by G-Advisory. G-Advisory’s opinion is available in the 2023 documents section below.

The promissory notes issued to date can be can be found in the following link to the MARF website https://www.bolsasymercados.es/bme-exchange/en/Prices-and-Markets/Fixed-Income/Prices/MARF
