Ence’s General Shareholders’ Meeting is the competent body to agree on matters reserved to its decisions by Law and the Bylaws, and in general, to adopt all the agreements under its capacity as the company’s governing body. In particular, among other responsibilities, the General Shareholders’ Meeting is empowered to:

  • Approve the annual accounts and decide on the distribution of profits
  • Appoint and dismiss the Directors as well as review and approve their management
  • Appoint and dismiss Account Auditors
  • Decide on matters submitted to the attention of the Board of Directors
  • Approve amendments to the Bylaws
  • Approve and modify the Regulations of the General Meeting

All Ence’s shareholders whose shares are registered in their name in the corresponding accounting records five days prior to the date on which the Meeting is to be held, have the right to attend and vote at General Meetings.


Watch here the broadcast of the General Shareholders’ Meeting 2024

Will be celebrated on: April 4th, 2024, 12:30 p.m. (GMT+1)

Watch Shareholders’ Meeting Webcast on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/925052485

Live webcast:

Documentation of the General Shareholders' Meetings

Agreements: quorum and voting results

Coming soon.

Documentation of the General Shareholders' Meetings

  1. Shareholders' Right to Information
  2. Board Participation
  3. Agreements: quorum and voting results

Agreements: quorum and voting results

Quorum and results of voting

  1. Extraordinary Shareholder's Meeting 2020
  2. General Shareholder's Meeting 2020
  1. Shareholders' Right to Information
  2. Board Participation
  3. Agreements: quorum and voting results

3. Agreements: quorum and voting results

Quorum and voting results AGM 2015

  1. Shareholders' Right to Information
  2. Board Participation
  3. Agreements: quorum and voting results

2. Board Participation

3. Agreements: quorum and voting results

Quorum and Results of voting

Relevant Fact Agreements

  1. Shareholders' Right to Information
  2. Board Participation
  3. Agreements: quorum and voting results
  1. Shareholders' Right to Information
  2. Board Participation
  3. Agreements: quorum and voting results

2. Board Participation

3. Agreements: quorum and voting results

Quorum and results of voting

  1. Shareholders' Right to Information
  2. Board Participation
  3. Agreements: quorum and voting results
  1. Shareholders' Right to Information
  2. Board Participation
  3. Agreements: quorum and voting results