Half a thousand people have learned about the production process of the Ence biofactory in Pontevedra throughout the first half of the year

A total of 503 people, including schoolchildren, university students, members of associations, and other interest groups, from different parts of the community, have learned first-hand about the activity carried out in the Lourizán biofactory.

These meetings, which have been carried out both in person, through visits to the operations center, and by traveling part of the Ence staff to different training centers, have shown nearly half a thousand people the production process of the cellulose, and renewable energy generation that the company carries out in its Galician biofactory.

The production process carried out at Ence’s facilities in Pontevedra is based on the use of natural, renewable and native raw materials. An environmentally friendly process that more than meets the strictest European environmental standards.

In this process, the energy necessary for the production of cellulose is generated, with which recyclable products are manufactured that contribute to the development of the circular economy, based on the maximum reuse of resources to care for the natural environment.

Within the biofactory, an integrated industrial process is carried out that uses renewable natural resources as raw material: eucalyptus wood, grown in certified and responsibly managed sustainable plantations, which is the best for the manufacture of cellulose pulp due to its properties. as end product.

The Pontevedra operations center ranks as one of the first in the world in environmental performance in its sector. In this sense, it should be remembered that Ence has recently been recognized with the Ecovadis Platinum Medal, which places it at the global forefront of the pulp sector in sustainability. The Sustainalytics agency, leader in ESG rating, has also identified Ence as the most sustainable company in its sector. Likewise, the company’s biofactory in Pontevedra has the ecological label “Nordic Swan”; with the Gold Medal of the European Commission, for its environmental improvement; in addition to the “Zero Waste” certificate from AENOR; and its pulp has received the EU Ecolabel label. Its biomass has also been accredited under the “SURE” scheme, which ensures its sustainability.

Ence’s commitment to its surroundings and to the environment is also evident in the quality of the water and air in the Ría de Pontevedra, endorsed by the administration’s measurements, and which are better than those of other cities in Galicia and northwestern Spain. This is demonstrated by the presence of important shellfish banks in front of the biofactory, as well as the 28 beaches distinguished with blue flags from the European Commission in the Ría de Pontevedra (6 of them, in the vicinity of this facility). All of this, along with the disappearance of the historically annoying odors, are proof of Ence’s commitment to its environment.

For Ence, it is a priority that its neighbors know first-hand the activity carried out in its facilities. For this reason, the company is promoting these visits with which, through transparency and closeness, it also seeks to contribute to raising awareness about the importance of caring for the environment.