Transparency is a fundamental value for Ence Energía y Celulosa. Therefore, the company receives hundreds of visitors each year at its centres to publicise the activity carried out at its facilities.
Last year, both the renewable energy and pulp mills received more than 750 virtual visits (given the situation caused by the pandemic) from groups interested in learning first-hand about the production process of pulp and renewable energy in these centres. These visitors came mainly from schools, associations and universities.
These visits, organised weekly by the company, are aimed not only at local groups, but also at groups from other autonomous communities and even from abroad. In fact, the sustainable, state-of-the-art production model carried out at the company’s centres generates an exponential increase in requests for visits every year.
In these visits, visitors learn about the production process, the results of the same, as well as what the activity of these centres contributes from a social, environmental and economic point of view.
The company’s two business areas, the manufacture of sustainable cellulose and the generation of renewable energy, represent a paradigmatic case of contribution to the circular economy. Using certified wood, a renewable, natural and sustainable raw material, the company’s two biofactories in Pontevedra and Navia manufacture pulp, which is used to make recyclable products capable of replacing plastic and other materials that cannot be recycled. In addition, Ence’s pulp mills are capable of being self-sufficient in energy with renewable energy, while helping to reduce energy intensity and carbon footprint.
In addition, the renewable energy plants generate electricity using agroforestry biomass, i.e. the remains of agricultural activity and wood that are not used for pulp production (bark and lignin).
The production process not only meets but exceeds all environmental standards, as evidenced by the various awards granted to these centres: Zero Waste Certificate, Nordic Swan Ecolabel, European Commission Gold Distinction, ISO 50001 Energy System Certification.
Ence and Energía y Celulosa’s activity is a clear example of circular economy and commitment to people, sustainability and the environment in which its plants are located.