Ence’s biofactory in Navia will begin its annual technical shutdown on March 3, in which 14 million euros will be invested.

Ence’s biofactory in Navia will begin its annual technical shutdown on March 3, which will last until March 18, with the start-up of the pulp production and renewable electricity generation processes.

During this annual shutdown, 14 million euros will be invested in the plant in Navia. They will be used to implement a maintenance plan to further strengthen the efficiency, reliability and environmental excellence of Ence’s Asturian biofactory.

Thus, together with the work aimed at maintaining the biofactory, this technical interruption will be used to reinforce its sustainability and flexibility, in areas such as the decarbonization of processes and adaptation for the production of special cellulose, within the Ence Advanced line.

Preserving the health and safety of all the people involved in Ence’s activities is a top priority for the company. The simultaneous participation of almost one hundred collaborating companies and more than 1,500 workers is foreseen, giving priority to local hiring and the generation of economic activity in the region.

In this regard, it should be recalled that this facility holds the most prestigious certifications in the fields of safety management (ISO 45001), the environment (ISO 14001, EMAs Regulation, “Nordic Swan” eco-label, Zero Waste certificate, EU Ecolabel), food safety (ISO 22000) and quality (ISO 9001).