Ence is stepping up the accelerator in terms of decarbonization. The company has updated its Decarbonization Plan by increasing the level of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2035, setting targets for 2030 as an intermediate milestone and also incorporating targets to reduce indirect Scope 3 emissions.
The reduction targets included in the Decarbonization Plan are in line with the Paris Agreement, as well as the commitments assumed at European and national level, aligned with the 1.5ºC temperature increase scenario. In defining the decarbonization path, Ence has incorporated the main recommendations of SBTi (Industry near-term target).
Specifically, the company, based on the 2018 financial year, increases the level of ambition of the target set for 2035 from a reduction for the entire group of 70% to 75% of absolute emissions (scope 1 and 2).
In addition, the incorporation of the new initiatives implemented by the company to reduce carbon emissions makes it possible to set a target for 2030, thus complying with the new reporting requirements deriving from the CSRD directive. In this context, the company has set an intermediate target of a 55% reduction in absolute emissions (scope 1 and 2) at group level in 2030 compared to 2018.
Emission reduction measures
The improvement of the ratios in the company’s Decarbonization Plan is supported by projects such as the Pontevedra Avanza Plan, which incorporates additional emission reduction measures that will increase the level of fuel oil substitution of the Pontevedra lime kiln to 60% or the use of GdOs (Guarantees of Origin) in the plants of Magnon Green Energy, Ence’s renewable energy subsidiary, which will eliminate emissions from grid electricity consumption.
In addition, the Navia biofactory decarbonization project is being carried out through the refurbishment of the wood yard and the replacement of natural gas with biomass in the lime kilns. This initiative will reduce the biofactory’s Scope 1 emissions by 60% and improve its production cost.
With regard to Scope 3 emissions and applying all the reduction measures identified, Ence is committed to reducing absolute indirect emissions (Scope 3) by 10% and 15% in 2030 and 2035, respectively, compared to the values for 2023, the year in which the Scope 3 quantification methodology was revised, incorporating new emission sources.