Ence Terra promotes the first forum ‘Primeira Persoa do Rural’, a space to give voice to the characters of the present and future of our countryside

The first edition of the ‘En Primeira Persoa do Rural’ forum was held yesterday morning, an initiative aimed at creating new spaces for dialogue and meetings between people and projects that promote the development of these territories. The event, promoted by Ence Terra, has more than fulfilled the expectations set: to share authentic and relevant experiences of the rural environment, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities of this key area for the future of our society.

The pazo of Vilabade (Castroverde, Lugo) was the place chosen for this first meeting. Alberto Amil, president of the Horsal cooperative, and Francisco Javier Fernández, biologist and livestock farmer, were the protagonists of this first edition. Alberto Amil told the audience about the history of Horsal, a benchmark organisation in the Galician horticultural sector that brings together 90 families, combining tradition and innovation since it was founded in 1985. For his part, Francisco Javier Fernández related his experience as a livestock farmer and explained the development of his Damil project, an example of vocation and commitment to sustainability and the rural environment.

The forum ‘En Primeira Persoa do Rural’ addressed issues that are increasing on the public agenda, such as depopulation and demographic winter that affect many rural areas. During the event, it was emphasised that the solution to these problems lies in promoting genuine initiatives, led by those who already live, work, and want to remain in their rural communities. Furthermore, the importance of accompanying these initiatives with investments, infrastructure and public services, essential elements to guarantee a dignified life in rural areas, was highlighted.

Both speakers agreed on the need to continue promoting training, support for small businesses and the recognition of the countryside as an area of innovation and opportunities. Francisco Javier Fernández Arias shared his experience of ‘returning to his origins’ to start up an ecological and sustainable farm. He also highlighted the need to revalue the economic and environmental work that the primary sector provides in our community so that more and more young people join this way of life because, as he said, ‘without people there is no rural life’.

On the other hand, Alberto Amil Chavel, president of Horsal, conveyed to the audience his passion for working in the countryside because of the freedom that the rural environment offers and the possibility of ‘being the master of your time’.

The forum concluded with a joint reflection on the importance of rural areas for the sustainability of society and its future. It was underlined that, although it is not always perceived from the cities, rural areas are fundamental to guarantee food sovereignty and the production of food and essential products.

This first ‘En Primeira Persoa do Rural’ forum reinforces Ence Terra’s commitment to the rural environment and its sustainable development, recognising the value of the people who, with effort and dedication, build a more prosperous future for their communities on a daily basis.