Ence – Energía y Celulosa, within the framework of its commitment to improving forestry management, has launched an initiative to promote the renewal of eucalyptus stands of more than thirty years, those that have already passed their phase of greatest growth. The objective of this new campaign, which includes bonuses in the price of wood and gift of eucalyptus plants, is to contribute to a sustainable economic and social development, making more forest from the same forest area and generating more employment in the rural environment.
The program “You have a eucalyptus mountain of more than 30 years” has entered into force at the beginning of February, and will run until June 30 of this year. During this period, Ence offers an additional premium of 7 euros per ton over current rates for eucalyptus wood from plots in which, at least, one in ten trees have a diameter of 70 centimeters or more in their base. Additionally, four eucalyptus plants will be delivered per ton, to facilitate reforestation, contribute to improving management and reduce the abandonment of the forests. This initiative is applied both in Galicia and Asturias.
The eucalyptus globulus species reaches its maturity between 12 and 16 years, after which it begins to slow down its development. It is the optimal time to take advantage of the wood obtaining a maximum production over time. Delaying the cutting of the tree leads to the loss of productivity and, consequently, decreases the yield offered by the terrain in the long term, also delaying the time to obtain it. The correct decision in cutting not only improves the income of the thousands of owners who sell wood to Ence, but also facilitates the management of a necessary sustainable and certifiable forest management, and generates benefits for the whole society.
For the communication of this campaign Ence has enabled a contact telephone number, +34 900 100 890, where all the information related to the initiative will be available. In addition, the company has a new website where you can see the details of this action: compramosmadera30.es.