Ence promotes the planting of native hardwoods in the protection strips to reinforce the sustainability of forest masses

With the main objective of reinforcing the sustainability of eucalyptus plantations by promoting a mosaic structure (in which different species coexist and alternate), Ence offers native hardwood seedlings free of charge to forest owners who have sold their wood to the company. Once the wood has been used, they will be planted in compatible protection zones, such as fire prevention strips. In this way, the company facilitates the protection of plantations, promotes biodiversity in its environment and favors the improvement of the landscape. Additionally, in a first phase, Ence is covering, in addition to the cost of the plant, that of the planting work for the interested owners.

The model that Ence applies promotes sustainable forest management of eucalyptus plantations, capable of producing wood and biomass that the company transforms into bioproducts and renewable energy through its biofactories. This commitment to sustainability is intended to reach all the eucalyptus plantations in its area of activity, and especially those that are part of its supply chain.

This innovative campaign encourages the planting of hardwoods on properties where the company purchases eucalyptus wood. These species will be used to repopulate the protection strips in which eucalyptus should not be planted in accordance with current regulations in Asturias and Galicia.

Yesterday, the first birch (or bidueiros) plantation was carried out, an autochthonous species with a great capacity for adaptation and that grows rapidly, whose use of wood is also of interest to the owner.

“This is an initiative that goes along with our line of reinforcing the sustainability of eucalyptus plantations, offering the owner a leafy tree for these striped spaces, thus facilitating a mosaic structure. This campaign is thus aligned with the sustainable forest management practiced by Ence, which contributes to reducing the risk of fire spread; likewise, it contributes to the biodiversity of the mountain and to the enrichment of the landscape”, explains Alejandro Oliveros, director of Forest Management at Ence.

Ence develops transparent, efficient and responsible forest management, applying the most demanding international responsibility and sustainability criteria. The company has been a pioneer in undertaking certification projects in Spain, not only for its forest masses, but also extending this policy to its immediate surroundings, promoting the certification of partner and collaborator areas.

In addition, Ence puts all the means at its disposal to favor and promote the management of the forest owner through the transfer of knowledge, the contribution of improved plants at competitive prices, as well as through training and information and the development of awareness programs environmental.