Ence Pontevedra begins its annual technical shutdown, to which it will allocate more than 10 million euros

Ence’s biofactory in Pontevedra starts today its annual technical shutdown, which will last until September 27. About 1,600 workers will operate in addition to the plant’s regular employees.

The company will implement a work plan to incorporate new technologies and improve existing ones. Ence will allocate an investment of ten million euros to these actions. A total of eight million euros will be invested in the maintenance of the biofactory’s efficiency. To this investment must be added two million more for extraordinary investments to improve the facilities in terms of efficiency and digitalization in order to maintain Ence Pontevedra as a benchmark in its sector.

The company will also continue to focus on the safety and health of all people involved in its activities. Within this framework, during the shutdown, compliance with all safety measures within the facilities will be strictly supervised.

Commitment to development in Pontevedra

Ence is firmly committed to investing and creating activity in the Pontevedra region. For this reason, a significant sample of the auxiliary companies that will work during the technical shutdown are Galician. In addition, other services such as accommodation and food for the workers will be provided by companies from the area around the city of Pontevedra.

For Ence, the technical shutdown of its biofactories is a structural element of its operational strategy, as it is focused on optimizing several of the main axes of its management model: environmental and safety excellence, continuous improvement of its facilities and commitment to the community.

In this regard, it should be recalled that the Ence Pontevedra biofactory has been recognized with the AENOR 2023 Award for two decades of environmental care. Likewise, the Ence Group has recently revalidated the recognition of Sustainalitycs as the leading company in its sector worldwide in ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria, and the Platinum Medal of Ecovadis, which identifies Ence at the global forefront in sustainability.