- Ence is the first company in its sector to receive this recognition, which certifies an efficient management system to prevent the commission of crimes and reduce the company’s criminal risk.
November 26, 2018.- Ence-Energía y Celulosa has received the AENOR certificate of Criminal Compliance in accordance with the UNE 19601: 2017 standard, an accreditation that recognizes the company’s commitment to compliance with criminal norms and the prevention of crime.
Ence is the first company in its sector to receive this recognition of a voluntary and reviewable nature each year that confirms that the company has implemented a management system to prevent the commission of crimes and reduce criminal risk through the prevention, detection and management of behaviors not in accordance with the standards of the company.
The certificate, based on the UNE 19601 national standard, considers the provisions of the Organic Law 1/2015 on the Reform of the Criminal Code with respect to the requirements of crime prevention models and complements them with the best international practices established in the field of social responsibility, compliance and risk management.
This certification confirms Ence’s commitment to the best practices of corporate governance, responsibility, transparency and commitment to its stakeholders, and to the highest standards of business ethics and the reduction of criminal risk in the exercise of Your activities. Ence is thus placed at the highest level among listed companies and other large companies in our country, whose ethics guarantee and compliance with current regulations reaches levels of excellence.