Ence – Energía y Celulosa has been recognised with the Ecovadis platinum medal: the highest rating awarded by this platform, which specialises in assessing the sustainability of companies.
The score received by Ence places it at the global forefront in sustainability. Specifically, Ence is in the 99th percentile, ahead of other companies in its sector.
The Ecovadis platform is the most internationally consolidated tool for rating the sustainability of companies, evaluating more than 100,000 companies worldwide and including a wide range of criteria linked to non-financial management systems.
The rating highlights Ence’s performance in terms of environmental sustainability, labour practices and human rights, sustainable procurement and ethical conduct, parameters in which Ecovadis analysts have awarded the company the highest scores.
This recognition demonstrates Ence’s firm commitment to sustainability, and adds to others obtained by the company. Thus, the ESG agency Sustainalytics has identified Ence as the most sustainable company in its sector worldwide. In addition, the company’s pulp mills in Pontevedra and Navia (Asturias) have been awarded other certificates such as the Nordic eco-label, Nordic Swan; the Gold Medal of the European Commission for environmental improvement; and the “Zero Waste” certificate from Aenor. In addition, the biomass used by these facilities has the “Sure” certificate, which also guarantees its sustainability.