Ence has allocated two million euros to improvements made in its renewable energy plant in Mérida, which allow progress in environmental and occupational safety matters. Commitment to the environment and constant improvement of processes and facilities is a priority for the company, which works to apply the best available techniques and thus increase the efficiency of its processes.
The improvement of the acoustic behavior in all its plants is one of the objectives of environmental excellence established by the company. Since the beginning of operations at the Mérida plant, modifications have been made in order to reduce its noise emission values. To this end, the company invested 1.3 million euros in projects such as the enclosure of the cooling towers, shielding of different machinery and the installation of silencers in the turbine hall.
On the other hand, 700,000 euros have also been allocated to two initiatives to optimize the environmental performance of the plant. Through a SNCR system and another desulfurization system, it has been possible to improve environmental parameters such as NOx and SO2 emissions, guaranteeing their quality continuously.
Ence’s renewable energy generation plant in Mérida is an example of a circular economy. Last year, the facility participated in the European Union’s LIFE project “iCirBus 4Industries”, consisting of treating sewage sludge with combustion ash from biomass plants to obtain low-impact fertilizers and construction materials. In addition, the plant participates in other projects to give circularity to the by-products, using them for the construction of technosols in restoration of degraded soils of depleted mining operations, such as the uranium mine of Saélices El Chico (Salamanca), or the use of ashes to the manufacture of waterproofing sheets.
Ence is the first company in Spain in the production of renewable energy with forest and agricultural biomass, which has great development potential in our country. In fact, it is the only renewable energy that presents a positive economic balance due to the benefits generated given its capacity to create employment, develop the rural environment and contribute to improving the environment. In this sense, it is necessary to highlight, in addition to the capture of CO2, its contribution to the care and cleaning of the mountains, with a reduction in the risk of fires of up to 70%, as well as the use of agricultural biomass, which avoids its uncontrolled and polluting burning in our fields.