Ence delivers the aid from its Social Plan to 17 neighborhood associations in Pontevedra and its surroundings

Ence Pontevedra has celebrated today the act of awarding the neighborhood aid that was selected in the call for the company’s Social Plan in Pontevedra. Representatives of the 17 awarded projects attended the biofactory, where the signing of the agreement for the award of aid took place, which will allow the immediate start-up of the projects.

The initiatives presented to said area of ​​action will develop their activities in the territorial scope, focusing on digitization activities; improvement and maintenance of association facilities; and contributions destined to the celebration of patron saint festivities, thus contributing to the permanence of traditions and cultural values.

Some of the associations whose projects have benefited from this edition of the Social Plan are the Mulleres Estribela de Lourizán Rural Association, the San Narciso Plurilingual School, the Alborada Neighborhood Association, the Santa Rita de Salcedo Cultural Association, the Landra Verde Association, the San Roque Neighborhood Association, and the San Cristóbal de Poio Neighborhood Association.

Ence shows its commitment to the residents through the aid granted to the different beneficiary associations of the municipalities of Pontevedra, Poio and Marín, thus consolidating its interest in the well-being of the region. This demonstrates Ence’s commitment to its environment, together with the environmental care with which the company carries out its activity on a day-to-day basis, which is evident in the quality of the water and air in the Ría de Pontevedra.

The company promotes this Social Plan with the utmost enthusiasm, with which it contributes to improving the quality of life of all the citizens of Pontevedra, Poio and Marín. The 306 beneficiary projects of the Social Plan will be developed over the next few months, favoring the development of citizen initiatives to fight against social exclusion; education and culture; sport; recovery and care of the environment; entrepreneurship and economy; specialized employment and neighborhood help.