Ence and Naturgy carry out the largest energy saving action through the new CAE system the new CAE system

  • The measure implements an advanced technology system to improve the efficiency of Ence’s boilers. This initiative will enable the company to save 191 GWh per year in energy consumption, an amount equivalent to the demand of more than 55,000 homes.
  • AENOR has acted as verifier for the issuance of 191 million energy saving certificates within the system promoted by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Ence and Naturgy have starred in the largest energy efficiency operation within the new system of Energy Saving Certificates (CAE) promoted by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

The operation consisted of the implementation by Ence of an advanced technology project to increase the energy efficiency of its boilers as part of the company’s strategic commitment to innovation in its production centers.

The operation has been verified by AENOR, a leading entity in the generation of trust, which has been in charge of validating the savings and issuing the positive report to request the certificates. This is the largest volume of CAEs issued to date in Spain.

A CAE is an electronic document that accredits a specific annual energy saving derived from an energy efficiency action. In terms of measurement, one CAE is equivalent to 1 kWh of energy savings. Naturgy’s action in the Ence factory has involved obtaining 191 million certificates.

Ence has carried out this transaction in an unprecedented scenario that allows, for the first time, that energy trading companies can use energy consumers to meet energy efficiency targets through the purchase of CAEs. With this collaboration, Ence reaffirms its participation and commitment in favor of the energy transition towards a circular and decarbonized economy model.

Naturgy is committed to being one of the key players in the energy transition towards a circular and decarbonized economy model. The company, within the CAE System, offers its customers a “turnkey” service that includes advice on investments aimed at improving energy efficiency, calculation of energy savings and all the associated document management so that the consumer can benefit from the CAE. In 2024, the company was recognized by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge for being the first energy company to settle CAE in 2024.