Ence 40 MW awarded in biomass auction


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  • The company has three potential sites to conduct investment: Pontevedra, Villaturiel (Leon) and Huelva.
  • The final selection of the location will depend on the best conditions and administrative and institutional facilities for project implementation.
  • It is estimated that the project will create more than 300 jobs during the two years of construction and some 750 direct and indirect jobs, once commissioning.

January 14, 2016.- Ence – Energía y Celulosa has been awarded a 40 MW renewable energy biomass plant, in the renewable energy auction organized by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. The award is provisional until the CNMC confirm it and it is published by the Ministry of Energy.

This is an important first step implementing the Strategic Plan 2016-2020 of Ence, recently entering into force. The energy business is one of the great investment chapters in the strategy of Ence. Thus, this plan includes investment of 325 million euros until 2020 and reaches a production capacity of renewable biomass energy of more than 380 MW in that year.

Ence already have an advanced new generation project which will develop biomass plant highly efficient generation and low production costs, to take advantage of forest and agricultural biomass environment in which the plant is located. However and having been awarded without investment premium, Ence build the plant only if the company sure to get the expected return.

In this regard, it is noteworthy that Ence has three potential sites for the construction of this 40 MW plant: Pontevedra, Villaturiel (Leon) and Huelva. The company has already begun site evaluation from the point of view of biomass availability, as well as the advantages and administrative and institutional facilities that can find the project. The final location of the plant will be the one that offers the best conditions in those chapters.

The project will generate a significant number of direct and indirect jobs in the vicinity of the plant, which can be estimated at about 750 sustainable jobs in both the final location as in the regions of collection of agricultural and / or forest biomass. In addition, during the construction phase will employ over 300 people.

Among the advantages of biomass generation highlights its high environmental care for the least carbon (and therefore with a greater contribution to mitigating climate change), their contribution to the cleaning and care of forests and as reducing fire.

Ence is leader in Spain in renewable energy generation with biomass, an expert in the management of forest and agricultural biomass. It currently has a production capacity of 222 MW and annual generation of 1,600 million kWh.