Following the misunderstandings of the recent ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia (TSXG) on the suspension and stoppage of certain works in which the passage of trucks was envisaged in the Ence-Pontevedra biofactory, the company wishes to clarify the following issues:
The TSXG establishes the need for a municipal license for the works of the scale to which the judgment refers, since it considers that they were not within the framework of the Sectoral Plan of Supramunicipal Incident (PSIS) of Ence-Pontevedra. In the case of the works of the scale, being a minor work and in principle disassembled, the company did not properly assess its inclusion in the PSIS.
The Judgment of the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia clarifies that a municipal license is not necessary for infrastructures, endowments and facilities that are contemplated within the PSIS.
Ence is acting diligently in all the actions carried out and in the process of being executed in its bio-factory in Lourizán. The company is making sure that the actions that are planned are covered by the PSIS. In addition, Ence informs the Municipality of Pontevedra of the execution thereof, as well as its adaptation to the PSIS.