Alfredo Avello appointed CFO of Ence – Energy and Pulp
03 December 2014.- Alfredo Avello de la Peña has been appointed CFO and member of the Steering Committee of Ence. Avello will lead the development of the policy of capital markets and investor relations, as well as the processes planning, control management, administration, information systems company and corporate development.
Alfredo Avello has extensive experience in creation of multidisciplinary and international teams, corporate finance, strategic development and investments. Previously, he was Director of Strategy and Corporate Development Ence, Director General of GISA ALFANEXT, Chief Financial Officer of Foresta Capital and Multitel Group and CFO of Atlantic Copper.
The appointment of the new Chief Financial Ence follows the recent approval by the Board of Directors of the company’s reorganization of its corporate structure. This reorganization aims to adjust the management team to the new reality of the company and further progress in improving efficiency of the company, following reduction measures taken by Ence costs in its pulp mills Navia and Pontevedra, and the cessation of production of cellulose in its industrial complex in Huelva.
The new corporate structure, along with other measures to reduce overhead, allow Ence-Energy and Pulp reduce corporate costs by a third.
Alfredo Avello, a law degree from the Universidad San Pablo CEU, a Master in “International Business Transactions” (LL.M) from the University of London and DD graduate in Business Administration from IESE (University of Navarra).